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Table 4 General and specific characteristics and features of the modelling frameworks

From: Grid-based multi-energy systems—modelling, assessment, open source modelling frameworks and challenges





Modelling scope

Operational, planning

Operational, planning

Operational, planning

Model formulation


Linear and mixed integer


Spatial coverage

Local to countries

Local to countries

Local to countries

Time horizon

Short and long

Short and long

Short and long

Assessment criteria



Economic, with environmental auxiliary constraints

MES approach

Energy hub

Energy hub

Energy hub

Energy sectoral coverage

Electricity, gas, heat

Electricity, gas, heat, transport

Electricity, gas, heat

Spatial resolution

Single- and multi-region

Single- and multi-region

Single- and multi-region

Time resolution

Low and high

Low and high

Low and high

Load flows

Network flow type II

Network flow type II

Network flow type II

Unique features

Ramp rates, multi-scenario

Ramp rates for storage, up- and down times

Demand response, multi-scenario