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Table 2 Glossary of notations to describe harvesting and spreading of information

From: Information flow to increase support for tidal energy development in remote islands of a developing country: agent-based simulation of information flow in Flores Timur Regency, Indonesia

Harvesting from cell to agent


Harvested c-info amount by the agent i at time t

 \({{C_{i_{ i,t}}}^{\mathrm{cell}}}\)

c-info in the cell of agent i at time t

 \({{C_{i_{ i,t}}}^{\mathrm{agent}}}\)

c-info in the agent i at time t


c-info harvesting rate of agent i

 \({H_{I_{ i,t}}}\)

Harvested i-info amount by the agent i at time t

 \({{I_{i_{ i,t}}}^{\mathrm{cell}}}\)

i-info in the cell of agent i at time t

 \({{I_{i_{ i,t}}}^{\mathrm{agent}}}\)

i-info in the agent i at time t


i-info harvesting rate of agent i


Age of agent i


Education level of agent i

Spreading from agent to agent

 \({S_{C_{ i,j,t}}}\)

c-info sharing from agent i to agent j at time t


i-info sharing from agent i to agent j at time t


c-info receiving rate of agent j


i-info receiving rate of agent j


Influence level of agent i


c-info spreading rate of agent i


c-info spreading rate of agent i

Spreading from cell to cell

 \({E_{{C}_{ i,j,t}}}\)

c-info spreading from cell i to cell j at time t

 \({E_{{I}_{ i,j,t}}}\)

i-info spreading from cell i to cell j at time t


Natural spreading rate of c-info


Natural spreading rate of i-info

  1. c-info denotes information about collective benefits of tidal energy
  2. i-info denotes information about individual benefits of tidal energy