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Table 14 Normalized results for the society stakeholder group

From: Social life-cycle assessment (S-LCA) of residential rooftop solar panels using challenge-derived framework

Indicator #

Indicator name

Normalized value

Indicator narrative


Contribution of the technology to economic progress


The solar industry has already grown about tenfold since 2009 in the U.S., and it is expected to continue growing for decades [135]


Energy security


2018 Average values for direct horizontal irradiance of the continental U.S. show Georgia in the top 50th percentile relative to the rest of the nation [74]


Existence of government regulation on public sustainability reporting for technology


There are no federal or state mandates for solar rooftop panel companies to report sustainability metrics [75]


Income inequalities


The Gini coefficient of Georgia is compared to the values for the rest of the U.S. to establish a measure of the spatial inequity in the state of Georgia [109]


Presence and quality of programs to assist citizens with high energy burdens if technology is implemented


Numerous federal (Property Assessed Clean Energy (PACE) Loan, Department of Energy Better Building Challenge Low Income Accelerator, Department of Treasury and Department of Housing and Urban Development [94]) and state level (Power Free-Market Financing Act [136]) programs were founded to assist consumers; certain utility companies offer community solar programs, in which customers pay for obtaining energy from solar sources, which is an option for renters and homeowners whose property regulations don’t allow for rooftop solar panels


Presence of public agreement to sustainability using the selected technology


Atlanta 2017 Resolution No. 17-R-3510 for 100% clean energy by 2035 on municipal operations is a significant step towards sustainability (Atlanta’s 100% Clean Energy Plan 2020)

Average stakeholder group value
