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Table 6 Goal and scope information for rooftop solar panel case study

From: Social life-cycle assessment (S-LCA) of residential rooftop solar panels using challenge-derived framework

Define the goal of the study

What is the study objective?

Evaluate the social impacts of rooftop solar panels

Are processes considered?

End of life treatment processes of the solar panels is considered

Evaluation of company conduct

No company conduct evaluation is considered because this is analysis occurs pre-implementation; the analysis focuses on the technology only

Level of detail

Low-detail analysis using secondary data

Study timing

Pre-implementation: the technology has not yet been implemented

Reason for study

Inform the audience about the social impacts of solar rooftop technology; the audience is LCA experts, policymakers, and sustainable energy technology experts

Single or multiple products?

Single product

Define the product functionality

Generate electricity using incoming solar irradiation

Define the scope of the study

 Spatial scale of analysis

National (United States) and regional (State of Georgia)

 Analysis type


Initial system boundaries

 Life-cycle stages considered

Use phase; end-of-life phase

 Associated activities

Product use, product maintenance, product disposal

 Stakeholder groups considered

Consumers, local community, society, workers