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Table 2 Biochemical characteristics of the conditioned rush biomass prior to their use in different energy conversion routes (means from two laboratory repetitions with standard deviations in parentheses)

From: The energy potential of soft rush (Juncus effusus L.) in different conversion routes

Substrate condition and application purpose

Dry matter content (% FM)

Crude ash (% DM)

C (% DM)

S (% DM)

Enzyme-insoluble organic substance (EULOS g kg−1 DM)

Crude fibre (% DM)

Crude protein (% DM)

Silage for solid-state fermentation

40.14 [2.17]

5.46 [0.18]

44.17 [0.02]

0.22 [0.003]

489.80 [63.01]

29.72 [2.74]

11.94 [1.42]

Fresh biomass for wet fermentation

45.53 [0.14]

3.03 [0.01]

45.12 [0.01]

0.18 [0.002]

456.97 [14.32]

33.43 [0.25]

7.86 [0.01]

Dried biomass for combustion

97.93 [0.08]

2.92 [0.12]






  1. na not analysed