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Table 1 Summary table of main variables

From: Willingness to share information for energy efficiency: exploring differences and drivers across the Nordic countries

Main variables


Original items


References to studies

Dependent variable



Willingness to share personal information securely to improve energy efficiency


1 (Yes), 0 (No)

Godoy et al. [27]; Lewandowsky et al. [43]

Independent variables


Climate change perception

Additive index from two items measuring how serious a problem climate change is at this moment: In the country 1 (Not at all a serious problem) to 10 (An extremely serious problem); In the EU 1 (Not at all a serious problem) to 10 (An extremely serious problem)

qa2_1, qa2_2

2 (Lowest) to 20 (Highest)

Budžytė and Balžekienė [55]; García-Muñiz and Vicente, [66]; Ortega Egea and García de Frutos [44]; Sohlberg [73]; Wicker and Becken  [10]

Environment protection importance

Personal importance of protecting the environment


1 (very/fairly important to the respondent personally), 0 (otherwise)

García-Muñiz and Vicente [66]; Golob and Kronegger [67]; Meyer [59]; Ott and Soretz  [74]

Environmental behaviors

Sum score from items on environmental actions done by the respondent in the past six month, 1 (Yes) 0 (No): Chose environmentally friendly way of travelling; avoided over-packaged products; avoided single-use plastic; separated waste; reduced water consumption; reduced energy consumption; bought products marked with environmental label; bought local products; used car less; joined demonstration, workshop, collective activity; changed diet to more sustainable food; spoke to others about environmental issues; bought second-hand instead of new; repaired instead of replacing a product

qa6.1, qa6.2, qa6.3, qa6.4, qa6.5, qa6.6, qa6.7, qa6.8, qa6.9, qa6.10, qa6.11,qa6.12, qa6.13, qa6.14

0 to 14

García-Muñiz and Vicente [66]; Golob and Kronegger [67]; Liobikienė and Minelgaitė [60]; Orviska et al. [62]; Wicker and Becken [10]

Social norm

Belief that citizens are doing enough in their responsibility to protect the environment


1 (Yes), 0 (No)

Golob and Kronegger [67]; Gómez-Román et al. [56]; McCright et al. [57]; Ott and Soretz [74]; Urban and Kaiser [53]

Local infrastructure

Item measuring trust in the local authorities that the respondent's village/town/city is fulfilling its duty in protecting the environment, also considered

as a proxy for the availability of green infrastructures at the local level


1 (Yes), 0 (No)

Pyrko and Darby [24]; Silvi and Rosa [61]; Urban and Kaiser [53]

Consumption change efficacy

Belief that changing the way we consume is one of most effective ways of tackling environmental problems


1 (Yes), 0 (No)

Connelly [63]; García-Muñiz and Vicente [66]; Novikovienė and Navickaitė-Sakalauskienė [75]