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Table 1 Driving behavior of the sample (n = 208)

From: What’s in my fuel tank? Insights into beliefs and preferences for e-fuels and biofuels

Driving behavior


Car ownership

58.2% have own car, 27.9% use car of family/friends, 5.3% use company car, 7.2% use carsharing or rented car, 11.1% have no access to car

Vehicle propulsion type (n = 201)

68.7% gasoline, 23.4% diesel, 2.5% EV, 2.0% hybrid, 0.5% gas, 3.0% other

Car dependency

M = 3.43 (SD = 1.80)

Driving frequency (before COVID-19)

8.7% never, 22.6% several times / year, 13.9% several times / month, 27.9% several times / week, 26.9% daily

Annual mileage

10.6% prefer not to say/ don’t know, 53.4% up to 10,000 km, 24.0% >10,000–20,000 km, 12.0% > 20,000 km