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Table 3 Recommendation for the government

From: Transformative power production futures: citizen jury deliberations in Saskatchewan, Canada



Public engagement and awareness

Engagement platforms (e.g., summits, dialogues) for the leaders, researchers, industry experts, and public to engage on climate change, potential future alternatives, project status, and effective practices

Educating citizens on energy alternatives and sustainable energy practices

Reduction targets and target years should be clearly laid out


Energy alternatives should be economical and affordable for all

Cost implication

There should not be any hidden cost

Cradle-to-grave cost should be laid out in plain language for citizens to make informed choices

Clear communication/Transparency

Citizens should be given the full narrative, including all benefits and drawbacks, as well as risk factors to make informed judgments

Leadership/proactive governance

Proactive holistic government approaches for a tangible and visible outcome

A leadership to promote climate resilience strategy and sustainable energy policy

Evidence-based research

All the energy options need to be investigated thoroughly before committing to one

Have a mix of multiple energy grids

Learning the best practices


Overall sustainability in regard to energy options, financial aspects, research, capacity building of manpower, long-term environment impact, population-based customized alternatives