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Fig. 3 | Energy, Sustainability and Society

Fig. 3

From: The public’s intention to vote for continued use of woody biomass for energy in Denmark: a cognitive hierarchy perspective

Fig. 3

Measurement model results (standardized factor loadings). Alt. 1: Social justice, correcting injustice, care for the weak; Alt. 2: Equality, equal opportunity for all; Alt. 3: A world of peace, free of war and conflict; Bio. 1: Respecting the earth, harmony with other species; Bio. 2: Protecting the environment, preserving nature; Bio. 3: Unity with nature, fitting into nature; Ego. 1: Social power, control over others, dominance; Ego. 2: Authority, the right to lead or command; Ego. 3: Wealth, material possessions, money (BIV scale developed by [63])

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