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Table 8 Example of the first choice-set that participants saw in the experiment

From: Ecological, financial, social and societal motives for cooperative energy prosumerism: measuring preference heterogeneity in a Belgian energy cooperative

Choice 1


Which energy company do you prefer?


Company A

Company B

Member participation in the operation of the company

Participation possible

Participation not possible

Voting rights in decision-making process

One member one vote

Voting rights proportionate to the number of shares

Share of renewable energy

100% renewable energy

0% renewable energy

Price per kWh in Eurocents

30 cents

30 cents

Whether a company is focused on the societal impact or on its members

Focus only on members

Focus only on members

Focus on “small and local” versus “spread and growth”

Focus on spread and growth

Focus on spread and growth

The level of diversification in provided goods: only electricity or also other energy-related products

Much diversification

No diversification

What happens to profit?

Invest in societal projects

Invest in production projects