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Sustainable use of aquatic macrophytes for the production of bioenergy

Sustainable use of aquatic macrophytes for the production of bioenergy

Editors: Lucie Moeller, Andreas Zehnsdorf 

Aquatic macrophytes are important components of water bodies. The aquatic biomass can, however, cause problems for the maintenance and leisure use of water bodies in the case of overgrowth. For this reason, the aquatic biomass has to be regularly removed and disposed of. The Thematic Series Sustainable use of aquatic macrophytes for the production of bioenergyconcerns the ecological and economical aspects of the management of aquatic macrophytes. The collection focusses not only on the biomass potential and the supply process, but also on the storage and energetic use of mowed aquatic biomass in anaerobic digesters. This Thematic Series provides useful information for researchers as well as for decision-makers from practice and politics.

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  2. Utilization of energy crops for biogas production has been controversially discussed in Germany due to negative environmental effects and the “food vs. fuel” debate. This led to a search for alternative substr...

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  3. Landscape maintenance in Germany today requires regular and extensive de-weeding of waterways, mostly to ensure water runoff and provide flood protection. The costs for this maintenance are high, and the harve...

    Authors: Carsten Herbes, Vasco Brummer, Sandra Roth and Markus Röhl
    Citation: Energy, Sustainability and Society 2018 8:21
  4. A major problem with farming systems is the deficiencies in phosphorus (P) due to fixation in soils, erosion and run-off, and exports of herbal and animal products. P resources for the compensation of these lo...

    Authors: Nele Stabenau, Andreas Zehnsdorf, Helmut Rönicke, Harald Wedwitschka, Lucie Moeller, Bachar Ibrahim and Walter Stinner
    Citation: Energy, Sustainability and Society 2018 8:16
  5. Waterweeds (Elodea nuttallii and Elodea canadensis) are invasive neophytes, which have been proliferating at a phenomenal rate during the last decades in German waterways. In case of overgrowth, the strong coveri...

    Authors: Daniela Gallegos, Harald Wedwitschka, Lucie Moeller, Sören Weinrich, Andreas Zehnsdorf, Michael Nelles and Walter Stinner
    Citation: Energy, Sustainability and Society 2018 8:7
  6. As part of the maintenance of lakes and rivers, large quantities of aquatic biomass are produced every year. Neophytes, such as Elodea nuttallii, compete with native species and cause a disturbance to the ecosyst...

    Authors: Aline Bauer, Lucie Moeller, Harald Wedwitschka, Walter Stinner and Andreas Zehnsdorf
    Citation: Energy, Sustainability and Society 2018 8:4
  7. Aquatic plants are an important component of aquatic ecosystems. They are valuable for the oxygen and carbon dioxide household and generate habitats especially for small fish and other small organisms. However...

    Authors: Andreas Zehnsdorf, Lucie Moeller, Hans-Joachim Stärk, Harald Auge, Markus Röhl and Walter Stinner
    Citation: Energy, Sustainability and Society 2017 7:15
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